Monday 21 October 2013

she is starting her fyear

assalamualaikum diary yg berhabuks

skrg kul 3.06ptg

hehe alhamdulillah, im still healthy. syukur :)

n i found my self that i have private place for myself

to selfie myself, have a self-vacation haha

sangatt la kann :D

alhamdulillah luncheon nsi n guess what

sotong goleng tepung kape atas :)

sgt sedap, n thanks Allah cz gives me this opportunity utk mkn lg

so far harini cuaca sgtlah golap kelabus grey 100% 

ptg ni dr sally nak jumpa, n the proposal draf mcm xtau nk ckp

sbb draf je kan..anything lit review ke and so on nk tnye nnti

4 nov cuti ptghn semester, n so tgh fkir plan slanjutnya

oh ye. ade lagi pending assignment

HIA --> construction
PARASIT ---> health products (pamphlets,video/etc)

hope xdela lupe nnti

SCL cestodes kene buat ke x ek huhu

okla,nila catatan diari fyear student

too many n so much to plan

just follow with the flow

& praying for the smoothness life like a smoothies

*coolblog la tu hehe

anything to write, see u soon diary
