Thursday 10 October 2013

semester baru wajah xbaru hehe

assalamualaikum diary :)

ok, skrg ni da berhabuk tahap gelap nau nau

sebab da lama nau xhapdet ini blog wuuu

esk ade test 1 parasit sooo kepala ni da mcm 

cacing eeeee dah2 xmo ingt goli den

sekarang ni dah kemaruk cite love u mr arrogant

n i wish some1 will download the full one for me :p

brangn je lebih..mmg xkn ade org nk donlod

kat tonton xleh donlod wuwuwu

besttt, wlaupn adaptasi dr novel, but real thing

mmg best kalau cite novel diterjemahkn ke akasia n etc

so far sbnrnya bnyk kojo nk wat

upcoming proposal, HIA projek kt sunway

n 2 produk utk parasitology lagi etc

fuh2 xsangka yaw yg da masuk final year

bye2 upm, pasti akn dirindui

yg best sem ni sbb da ade psgn angsa kt kolej

comell je rase (trfikir utk bela angsa in the future)

alalala tomeiii.pastu da xnk letak kt kmpung hehe

klu nk bela aym bayam kambing pak kaduk tu sume kne consider

- health impact
- -disease/infection yg ade

fuhhhh..mmg apply betul yg da blajar hehe

skrg mama kat Tawau, n i will be going back soon

I'm sure I will feel lonely but keep calm

as many work to do :)

ape lagi ye? emm. oh ye psl tmpt brtapa

since sem ni housemate da betukar n rumet loyal heee

sedih sbb aritu housemte sorg tu kate dia stress

dia stress tgk guwe kt ruang tamu


xpela, lupekan jela. be positive sbb dia pn asal 

asal sama ngn guwe = negeripenuhdenganulau



okdah.nanti update lg insyaAllah :)