Wednesday 9 May 2012


the rose i wore at simfoni mlm bidodori hehe

esok tuksikussss pray for me :')

alhmdulillah exm pkk td, wish better than before

10 pg until 12 tghari

then 2 ptg smpai 4 ptg ade klas tuksikuss jgk

wish to all my hausmet sygs2 sekalian bley jwb esk :)

ptg2 cmni tgh fikir nak balik umh

bile mase yg sesuai nk balik umh

nk tgk anak2 kucing kt umh yg tgh mmbesar

mama ckp da nakal, panjat2 kerusi

gebu, putih n kemetot name dorg 

tggu kak nabila balik yee :)

p/s : stop when it is over

by Dr Haslinda ( lecturer saiko )