Wednesday 27 March 2013

let the rain wash away

assalamualaikum diary :)

arini da msuk 27 mac which means

the sunset of march will begin n the dawn of april

will appear soon 

so far alhmdulillah cume ade jgk maigreng

dlm doblas lbih abes paper toksik

rase nk melayang jantung 

baru soklan nombor 5 kot haiyooo

mase tu rse mcm nk mntk kilat watkan exm hehe

biau cepak sket abes jwb soalan

ape2pun redha jela kan..nak wat camno

tapi tapi pou yg cumel menghilangkn kesedehan yg melanda

pou mmg comel, seolah2 mcm ank sndiri cewah

ade hati lak nk amek pou sbg anak hehe

esok g nuclear trip.have phan :)